Item: Tanky (Cursed item)
Description: Legendary item from MSE which has a great repelling effect of the opposite sex. Effect is so great that it shocks and trembles the earth when its near.
Effect: Bearer gets Charm -25, Aggression +50, -20 HP/ms. AOE 1000 gets charm -20.

once again, the hypothesis is proven. the law of attraction works well when we had the cursed item off. its my 1st time ever in a female dominated outing(2 guys 6 girls). too bad i haven got my hands on the photos taken. else, it would be another important piece of evidence. quite stunned and rather uneasy at first, but aft some ice breaking, everything goes on smoothly :x.. but well, our charm regained, we were less aggressive and more energetic w/o tanky ard. KTV session was an enjoyable one.

i backed out from the operation on my back. sigh… the more information you know,the more worried and more afraid you are. i agreed to go for operation on thursday, but i could not remember the exams dates and thus couldn give the doctor adate. when i got home, i search the internet to find out more abt the surgery and got scared by it. sigh… if i had not known all these, i would hav go for the op. right now, i’m on a quarterly checkup basis and in case anything crops up in the meantime, i would have to go for operation.

humans are really funny. the less they know, the more worried they are. the more they know, they gets more worried as well. 2 scenarios…

Scenario 1: In a hawker centre, an old woman holding an english letter asking ard what was the content in her letter. she came over to my table ask me about the content of the letter. i told her “ah mah, dun worry, the letter says govt. is giving you money(GST package)”*in hokkien*. she is shock! “u dont bluff me lah… govt where got go good give us money” *in hokkien*. she gave me this strange look and walk towards another table to consult another person. more often than not, its the illiterates are the ones who are more concerned abt the fine details like terms and conditions in a documents when compared to the literates. and its usually the literates are the ones who gets into troubles for signing blindly w/o reading the conditions

and scenario 2, its my case. i was frustrated and worried abt my condition when the doctor couldn gave me an answer. and now, i got the answer, but i’m still worried.

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