Desperate bankers…

Thanks for those who had shown concern regarding my hand… its getting fine.. although its still swelling, however the redness subsided.

i think the economic crisis had really hit us hard. reading the papers yesterday, the networth of big banks like citi group, barclays, stanley had fallen more than 40%. and there is this funny incident when i was going to tiong bahru plaza to get some medications for the bites. since its nearby my house, i’m only wearing singlet, shorts and slippers. i passed by the citibank in the MRT and the bankers standing outside were approaching me (in singlet, shorts and slippers) to sign up their investment plan or get a credit card… thankfully i used the magic word “i’m a student…” and manage to get away from them… i guess they are just desperate to meet their quota to aviod being kicked out of their places. thus, they’ll just approach any tom, dick and harry they saw…

i guess singaporeans are too afraid of spending now and shopping centres are putting efforts in mega-sales to attract people to spend. even starting bid of COE for small cars had fallen to the lowest of $2(hope tanky is not cursing and swearing that the society had caused him to lose this best opportunity to buy a lamborghini). but still efforts still failed. like what Dr Money had said ” when the spending stops, retrenchment starts” and we are starting to see signs of that happening…

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