During makan excursion with ah lim during this monday, we came across a “cute” topic…

free or fee??

the difference is in the letter “r”. and that little “r” stands for the word relationship.
usually, a service with a good relationship with the service provider comes free whereas a fee is required if there is no relationship with the service provider.

for example,
you have to pay a FEE for having sex with a sex worker as there is no relationship involved. on the other hand, having sex with your girlfriend is FREE!!! because there is a relationship involved..
well, bad anology i guess.. haha

however, this is somewhat true in our lives. people tend to exploit this relationship. i had a friend who was helping another friend to set up a booth selling accessories for 4 hours free of charge. no comission, no profit sharing, no salary… just because there is a relationship of “best friends” involved… I understand its hard to turn down an appeal from anyone, moreover shes a best friend. if i’m in her shoes, i guess i’ll do the same as well…

how i wish i could have friends of different profession such as
doctors – medical consultation free
lawyers – legal consultation free
accountant – financial consultation free (and ask for some tricks to avoid tax)
and so on… *grins*

Thats the power of relationship :p

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