i’ve been listening to jay chou’s songs quite frequently recently.. from old songs in the 周杰伦 album to the latest 我很忙 album and several concert’s album. I’m impress by his talent in music and song writing… i dare not say i’m his fan… because, i never own a single of his album (believe it or not)… however, i love to listen his songs, sing his songs and interprete the meaning of his song lyrics. The only supportive things i’ve done are going for his 无与伦比 concert in 2004 and publicising his songs to people whom i know (dont get it wrong, i’m not distributing his songs, but just publicising) :p

to me, his songs are unique in a way and it takes time to appreciate it… simply put it this way…
听多了,越来越渴望! :p

i started to appreciate his song when he releases his 3rd album, 八度空间, one of the less popular album. i think it sucks.. and didn like it when the 1st time i’ve listened… 1st thing on my mind was “what rubbish is this guy singing??” however, i started to like it when i listened it over and over again… and every new album he releases its the same kind of feeling

In our life, we tend to condemn someone, or something when we have a very bad first impression of him. give him a second chance, he performance might be far exceeding expectation when u starts to appreciate his style :p u feel he gave u a bad first impression could be due to u not being fully understand about him. give a person or something a second chance, u might change your point of view :p

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